
Video review of the MPix Midwest Conference  

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A few weeks ago we had a meetup with some people from the MPix group. We had an absolute blast, and Steph and I taught quite a few classes. We had some great models who were brave enough to get into lake Erie (the water was 43 degrees! BRRR!!!)

Thanks again to Chris Baldwin of Graham River Productions and MPix for their generous donations for the print competion.

Check out the forums if you haven't been there. Lots of great people! http://community.mpix.com If you're not doing anything in January of 2010, come join us on the MPix cruise! Lots of great stops in the Bahamas, beautiful tropical weather, and of course, a few photography lessons along the way! Don't worry though - it's not ALL work....
(Check out the forums for details - http://community.mpix.com/forums/t/68396.aspx


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