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For all of you who have been following my tutorials, I want to say sorry for the delay.

My son brought home one whopper of the flu last week, and I have spent the entire weekend with practically no voice! So rather than try to whisper into a microphone hoping you can hear me, I'll post up some new videos in a few days.

But in the meantime, I wanted to share a few great photography forums I visit regularly. Forums are a great way to share and learn, plus make some great friends! I go to be inspired, to learn new techniques, and to share some of what I know. Plus, they're usually full of goofy people just like me!

Here's some of my favorites:
Probably my favorite place. Great people, an absolutely awesome company.
Amazing group of photographers here. Founded by David Jay, you'll be hard pressed to find a more professional, talented group of photographers.

A new forum from Candid 2000. This is another great lab, good customer service, and a growing forum community.

Those are the top 3 I visit regularly. Go, read, and post! You'll make some great friends along the way.

Over on the MPix board, we're even planning a cruise! It's great meeting everyone, and what better to do in January then spend time on a ship in the Bahamas!

Like Steph says, "I love my computer - my friends live in it!"

See you next time!


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