I'm honored, humbled, and stunned!  

Posted in

First of all, I want to say thank you to everyone who subscribes to my tutorials. I really enjoy sharing with you, and I love the feedback I get from you.

Today I was searching on Google Reader to update my home page feeds (I like to keep track of what all is going on out there!) and Steph asked me to see how many people were subscribed (through Google Reader) to our blogs.

I shrugged, and typed in "No Mac, No Cheese" in the Discovery box.

My jaw practically hit the floor.

18,599 subscribers!

I just don't even know how to express my appreciation. Thank you very much for watching, it means the world to me.

I wanted to see how I compared (at least through Google Reader!) with another photographer who I greatly respect and admire, [b]ecker. If you've never been, he has a first rate tutorials blog as well. I can't say that I didn't borrow ideas from his site, and I do this in a tribute to his openness and willingness to share his knowledge, passion, and talent with other photographers. I totally respect any photographer willing to help others (which is why I do it myself!) and [b]ecker is the original video blog teacher.

If you're not familiar with his blog, you can see it here (it's totally worth the visit!):

Now, I know this isn't really comparing traffic (I'm not in the same country as his, I'm sure!) but for a reference, I looked up how many google subscribers he had.

Imagine my surprise to see that at least in this isolated comparison, my numbers were higher.

So to my subscribers, thank you from the bottom of my heart. It means the world to me that I can be in the same league as those who I look up to and respect, and it's all because of you guys.

Now I just have to make myself look as good as [b], but that may take a little more time! LOL

Thanks again everyone, I'll keep doing these videos, you keep sending me blog love and ideas!

Yours sincerely,

This entry was posted on Tuesday, June 24, 2008 at Tuesday, June 24, 2008 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Congrats Shan, you earned it! Your videos are so helpful and it is great of you to share with all of us!

June 24, 2008 at 1:18 AM

shan - not to burst a bubble or anything but anything with a 'you tube' infront comes in at 18,599. the b school gets around 3000+ hits a day. you tube in all probably has 18,599 registered users. i just typed in you tube or jason mraz and those same numbers came in.

June 26, 2008 at 2:52 PM

Yeah, I was informed of that (and should have realized it - it says "www.youtube.com/rss" right under there.

I'll get there though!

(feel free to laugh at my 1AM sleep deprived oversight, I sure am!)


June 26, 2008 at 2:56 PM

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